Francesco Bruno
Francesco is an attorney qualified for the Higher Courts and Full Professor at the Campus Bio-medical University of Rome (UCBM). He has been Visitor at Columbia Law School of New York (Center of Climate Change Law) in 2012, Visiting Faculty at UCLA School of Law in 2013 and 2014 and Visiting Researcher at Florida International University (FIU) in 2015. He is the author of over 100 scientific publications, books, papers, essays and articles.
In Environmental and H&S Law, Francesco assists multinational companies and primary Italian companies with reference to criminal responsibility (environmental crimes and the safety of citizens and workers), administrative (sanctions, authorization procedures, relations with the public administration and appeals) and civil responsibility, providing legal assistance both in Court and by supporting Clients in the ordinary or extraordinary management of the company.
In the field of Food Law, he has gained relevant experience regarding the entire food chain, relations with consumers and in all matters relating to product safety, under the various criminal, administrative and civil profiles. He is “probiviro” of “Federalimentare” since 2021 and a member of the National Food Safety Committee (CNSA) since 2022.